Sunday, 24 June 2012

I wish…

Off late, life’s just been long,
It seems nothing but a lost song
On the verge of this transition,
Life seems nothing but a meaningless expedition.

I have stopped waiting for tomorrow to come,
In this slow journey, I have gained little and lost some.
Started many things, but they were never finished,
As every time I saw my efforts get diminished.

I can no longer be true to myself,
As I keep stacking my dreams on a hidden shelf.
Looking at the rain drops, my heart used to feel elated,
But it’s an experience with which I am long jaded.

Still, deep down I know,
The seeds of dream I sow, will someday grow.
Someday, some time down the lane,
My time will come and I will be jubilant again.
I will be brimming with hope and confidence; I will be excited and childish,
For today and for now, that's what I miss and that’s all I wish. 


  1. nice nice...
    that day will come when u decide that its time to wake up...

    1. Thanks, But why does this has to be about me? Think about it ;)

  2. Nice article ! Good Job Snehal ! keep writing...That
    Tomorrow will come

  3. Nice.. keep blogging! sunrise is nigh!

  4. I hope tomorrow has come..for today, your life has immense excitement and joy, confidence and hope. :) Grow on !
    Beautiful poem on your wish..

  5. sahi! all the best Snehal!

  6. Nice bro ... :) ... Wat ever you have decided that is the best , In my eyes U r doing really a good job ,,,doesnt matter about pay its about peace u will achieve wen u help others ..!!!! :)
